Tuesday 27 November 2012

Sleep and Dreams Yogiraj Vethathiri Maharshi

Sleep and Dreams
Bio-Magnetism - Fuel to Human Body
Every living being is a bio-magnetic unit. The human being is a sophisticated laboratory and mechanism performing intricate and precise functions managed by the two divine principles of Nature : force and consciousness.
The human existence is due to the combined activities of
1) the physical body,
2) the astral body (life force),
3) biomagnetism,
4) Genetic Centre and
5) the transformation process of biomagnetism into pressure, sound, light/heat, taste, smell and the special process of mind.
For all the physical and psychic functions, the biomagnetism is the fuel. The charging capacity of bio-magnetism and its capacity to hold reserve in stock are limited. Therefore, both physical and psychic functions cannot continuously and concurrently run without a break. The involuntary physical functions such as digestion, breath and blood circulation are carried out by the autonomous nervous system; the psychic and sensory functions, which are voluntary actions, are carried out by the somatic system.
Both are wonderfully regulated and controlled by the central nervous system for which the blue print and directing power is the Genetic Centre. The main stock place for biomagnetism is the Genetic Centre.
The omniscient consciousness has provided programmed aspects within the Genetic Centre to control the charge (production), flow and consumption of bio-magnetism to the body and mind.
Blue Print for Charge and Consumptions in the Genetic Centre
The Genetic Centre has provided the blueprint for charging bio-magnetism as required and shutting off the consumption when the minimum critical level is reached. We cannot measure or account the charge and cosumption of bio-magnetism by our limited capacity of mind.
Nevertheless, let us have a conceptual grasp to understand the working systems of the biological switches for charging and shutting off excess consumption of our bio-magnetism. A certain minimum stock of biomagnetic force is required for both the autonomous and somatic functions.
Such minimum critical level of stock is programmed and provided in the body of every living being. The quantity of bio-magnetic force charged is not enough to carry out both the somatic and autonomous functions continuously and concurrently.
Therefore, after about 16 hours of conscious activity the pressure force of bio-magnetism is reduced. That indicates that the stock is less than the minimum required. Then the balance pressure of bio-magnetic force in stock, plus the hourly chargeable quantity is only enough to maintain autonomous functions for the next several hours.
So the central nervous system switches off the somatic functions automatically. Conscious sensory functions and movements of limbs stop and man goes to sleep. As one sleeps for several hours the charged bio-magnetic force which is surplus after meeting the requirements for the autonomous functions is added to the stock.
When the stock is replenished and comes back to the minimum critical level, sufficient pressure comes to the bio-magnetic force that causes the central nervous system to again switch on the somatic functions.
The functioning system of mind is only by the biomagnetic wave. Magnetism is the coalescence of two main principles, i.e.,
1.Gravity and
2.The spreading wave of Vethons (the infinitesimal primary energy particle).
Gravity functions as compressive force and the wave functions as storing, reflecting and magnifying force.
Every sensory perception and action of the limbs affects the bio-magnetism that fully circulates in the body. Therefore the two functions of :
1) compressing all actions in wave form with their force and images and keeping them stored in the Genetic Centre, and
2) releasing the compressed waves by the force of bio-magnetism into the brain cells and magnifying them to original state as memory, thoughts and desires are always going on in the living system of an organism.
This is the reason why one gets thoughts almost continuously. When one is constantly engaged in the perceptions or actions those releasing functions are not understood. Nevertheless, they are constantly going on. In some stages of sleep (other than deep sleep) the functions of releasing the compressed waves of experience are understood by the mind as dreams.
Similar to random or disturbed thoughts that occur in the waking state, such are perceived as dreams while asleep. According to the kind of food one took, his activities during the waking period and interactions with other people, dreams will be more or less frequent.
The study, research and understanding of the activities of mind will enrich the personality of man to its peak. Knowledge of mind is the spiritual light for one and all; knowledge of the mind will enable one to fulfil the purpose of life and live happily and successfully.

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