Sunday, 18 March 2012

What is Concentration?,Difference between Meditation and concentration,Samadhi

What is Concentration?
There are three processes. One is concentration, second is meditation and the third is samadhi. Focussing mental attention on anything continuously
at will is concentration. In concentration, you can use the senses. You can think of one thing, particularly, you can see anything and concentrate on it or think of any form and concentrate. You can think of any form in your mind and concentrate on it, whether it is material or immaterial. This is called, in spiritual parlance, concentration.
Meditation and Concentration
Meditation is something different from concentration. Meditation is a process of self-awareness, fixing the mind on the life-force. The life-force and the mind become one and the mind then transcends to soul consciousness. Meditation is a word derived from mediation.
We see millions of appearances on the whole world. All are associations of energy particles. Even when we think of the whole universe, every appearance will be understood as association of etherical particles only. They take so many shapes in association.
Similarly, in our body, our life-force is the phenomenon. In between the seen world and unseen Truth, the medium is the life force or the energy particle. Therefore, fixing the mind on the life-force is called Meditation. There is no extension. There is no extinction. Practicing the mind in the middle state of consciousness is called meditation.
Becoming equal to Primordial state
Then what is 'Samadhi'? Here, two words 'Sama' and 'Adhi' are joined together. 'Sama' means 'equal' and 'Adhi' means 'Primordial State'. The practice of 'Samadhi' is practicing the mind to become equal to the primordial state.
As a fruit of this practice, the mind transcends to Total Consciousness. You know that the Universe is moving and changing, functioning etc., but one thing that is not in motion is called Static State. All are starting from moving and ending in the Static State only.
The Static State is Absolute. When mind attunes, merges and becomes one and remains in the Absolute, the mind and the Absolute become one. There will be no difference between the two. Whatever you think, the mind takes that shape of it. When you think of the Absolute, what is the state of the mind? When you really think of Absolute, you become Nothing, Vacuum or Brahman with self awareness. That is Sama Adhi, Samadhi.

The Eight Angas (parts) of Asthanga Yoga

Physical exercises, which are otherwise called as 'Yogasans' are also prescribed as a part in Yoga. As the exercises help in maintaining physical health, they are necessary for yoga practitioners. The main aim of yoga is to develop the consciousness. But unless the physical body is in a healthy condition, development of the consciousness is not possible. Therefore, maintenance of the physical body comes first. Patanjali also, in the system of 'Ashtanga Yoga' emphasizes the need of maintaining the body healthy.
Then only, relationship between the body and the soul will be harmonious. The first four 'Angas' that is, Yama, Niyama, Asana and Pranayama help to maintain the relationship between the body and the soul.
In essence, they keep the body and mind in healthy condition. The next four 'Angas', that is Prathahara, Dharana, Dhyana and Samadhi are to maintain the relationship between the soul and the Universal Being and elevate the consciousness, step by step, to achive the goal of self-realization.
Now you understand the real meaning and the benefits of yoga. Yoga is indispensable, in the modern age, than at any time before, since stresses and strains are on the increase and disquiet and tensions follow as a consequence.
aspects. Yoga provides all the benefits in both the fields. Therefore yoga is a well balanced and perfect process for success and peace in life.
12. According to age and intellectual perfection, Yoga is classified into four stages. They are (i) Bhakthi Yoga, (ii) Karma Yoga, (iii) Raja Yoga and (iv) Gnana Yoga. For liberation of the soul, Gnana yoga is needed. But the development of the soul is to be attained through the body. So, to maintain the body in good condition the Karma Yoga is inevitable.
13. Following the teachings of realized souls with due humility and faith is Bhakthi Yoga and is a part process of Karma Yoga. with sincerity, two impurities namely, the undue attachment with the wordly things and the impressions of the sins can be annihilated.
As a result, the screen of Ego will become reduced and finally the goal of self-realization through Raja Yoga can be attained. But Karma Yoga should be performed only under the guidance and instructions of Gnana Yogis.
14. Gnana Yoga is a process by which all the three impurities Anava, Karma and Maya can be neutralized to their end. It is a direct method of divinishing the soul. This process is possible only for intellectuals. The process of approach towards Gnana Yoga is Raja Yoga. The process of Raja Yoga is to turn the soul from the forgetful state to the state of awareness.
As a king rules over his subjects, the soul administers the senses. Instead of the soul being the slave to the senses, the senses become submissive to the soul. That is, the soul becomes the king. Therefore, this process of approach and attainment is called 'Raja Yoga'.


Physical Exercieses and Psychic Exercises
Many persons in India and abroad think of Yoga only as a form of physical exercises. Yoga, in the real sense, is a systematic psychic practice to develop the consciousness to its perfection. Of course, in the practice of Yoga, the physical exercises do occupy a place, as it is necessary to maintain bodily health, which is a prerequisite for any psychic practice. Mind, however, is the important phenomenon to be dealt with in Yoga.
Self-forgetfulness and emotions
We can classify the functioning stages of the mind into three levels, that is (i) suface, (ii) bottom and (iii) origin. In the sensory perceptions and during the feelings of pain and pleasure, the mind functions at its surface level. In this stage, self-forgetfulness and emotions are present. When the mind turns inward and realizes its own existence, the process of its own transformation during the sensory perceptions and its source as life energy, that is soul, it is functioning in its bottom.
It is in this stage that awareness and soul-consciousness are present. A light of insight comes into being. When the mind realizes its origin, it gets its full perfection and then identifies itself as the Universal Being, the absolute Truth. This is the peak of functioning of the Sixth Sense, the purpose for which man is born is to attain this stage.
Why problems and miseries
When the mental and physical activities and the method of living are in consonance with the purpose of life, life will be harmonious, contented and peaceful. To the extent to which they are out of tune with that purpose, problems and miseries emerge and develop in life.
The Three Levels of Consciousness
When the understanding and actions of man get stagnated only at the surface level of the mind, he cannot enjoy peace and happiness even though he is provided with all the facilities of life. This is but natural, for, when the other two levels of the consciousness do not function, there is a one-sided load in the mind which results in tension.
Yoga helps man to get himself relieved from this state of tension. Yoga takes the level of consciousness from the surface (material consciousness) first, then to bottom (Soul consciousness) and finally to the origin (Truth consciousness).
In this process, the dormant cells of the brain get activated and there is corresponding improvement in the functioning of the cells of the physical body. Harmony in the physical system and equilibrium in the mental function will develop gradually by regular practice of Yoga.
Yoga - Shrinking Process of Mind
First of all, we should know what is Yoga? Yoga is a word giving the meaning 'Laya', that is, to get together, communion, becoming one. The life force in the body, when it functions through the five senses, i.e. with material world, it is called mind. When the life-force gets induction with an object through the senses, it gets physical transformation into pressure, sound, light, taste, and smell according to the shape and the quality of the object.

By this process, certain quantity of the life force is consumed. When the mind shrinks within itself, the shrinking process or coming together of mind and life-force is called 'Laya' or 'Yoga'. Here, the consumption of life-force is considerably reduced. The mind becomes apperceptive. By contraction or by becoming one with the lifeforce, you are coming from the perhiphery to the centre, from the diversity to Unity. Here, you will be affirming every reason.